CPL works on total skin rejuvenation.

The 'Gold Standard' in Skin Rejuvenation, Acne, Vascular & Pigmentation

Look at the improvement in Skin Quality!

No other clinic could help her. We are. Veins are reducing and pores are shrinking

with every treatment.

What is CPL?

Calibrated Pulsed Light, CPL, is a new wave of skin rejuvenation with the latest technology of IPL, using light to treat a range of skin concerns and general skin wellbeing. A powerful wavelength is pulsed into the skin which stimulates the deeper skin layers, with results of healthier, smoother skin. These wavelengths are delivered to the skin at a sensationally fast speed to ensure efficiency. Many of us have tried a number of lotions and potions to banish skin concerns but none quite have the same power of CPL!

What does CPL treat?

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea
  • Sun spots/liver spots
  • Acne scarring
  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Uneven/textured complexion
  • Pigmentation
  • Large pores
  • Increases collagen

Is it painful?

Each patient is different with their laser experiences, some say its painless and others experience a tiny amount of pain. The sensation can be likened to short stings, as the treatment is performed at a fast-paced discomfort is kept to minimum. At The Cosmetic Centre we use the latest machinery to ensure comfort and optimum results.

How many should I have?

Results can be seen immediately but we do recommend a course of treatments between 3-6 +for optimum results depending on skin concerns, with maintenance “top ups”. Our professional expert can create a bespoke plan with you to ensure your CPL achieves the desired results.

Side effects to CPL Photo Rejuvenation?

The treated area may be a little red immediately after the procedure, but this is normal and will not last long at all. Brown spots may initially appear darker after your first treatment but these will gradually fade and after multiple treatments eventually disappear.

Some other rare side effects include swelling, bruising and superficial blisters. These side effects are temporary and tend to disappear after a few days.

How to prepare for your CPL treatment?

We advise patients to avoid tanning and excessive sun exposure 6 weeks prior to their IPL treatment. It is also best to avoid any treatments that are likely to irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks before treatment which can include waxing. Your specialist skin cosmetologist will be able to go through your medical history that you provided at your consultation to advice on any medications that may cause bruising and if you have a history of cold sores than you may be required to seek GP advice before you start having treatment.

How soon will I see the results?

You will start to see some improvement in your skin a week after each IPL Photorejuvenation treatment. The best results will be seen 3-5 months after your last treatment if having a course. Your results may vary after each treatment and usually, each treatment you have will be a little stronger than the one before meaning the results will start to become more noticeable over time.

How long does each CPL treatment last?

The results will last between 12 and 18 months, at which point you can come back to us for a top up treatment. Your results will also depend on how much your skin is exposed to the sun, if you are in the sun a lot and not wearing sun protection then it is very likely that any brown spots or redness will return.

Preparation for CPL Pigmentation/Veins/Acne/Rejuvenation

2 weeks prior: No spray tans. No sunbaking. No chemical peels or Invasive skin treatments . 1 week prior: Discontinue Retinol/Vitamin C etc. No waxing 1 week prior & 2 weeks after treatment. Please check our website for contraindications which would deem you unsuitable for this treatment.

CPL Aftercare Avoid exfoliation for one week post-IPL (which includes scrubs, acids, retinols/vitamin A, and powered cleansing brushes). IPL causes the brown spots/sun damage to darken, and they will become crusty and flake off on their own. If you pick or exfoliate these darkened areas before they are ready to come off, you run the risk of hypopigmentation. The darkened areas on the face will typically shed in about seven to ten days, but the body does take much longer to purge these dark spots–as long as four to six weeks. DON’T scratch or pick the darkened areas This is always tempting, but you risk hypopigmentation if you try to pick at the darkened areas too soon. DON’T take super hot showers or baths for 48-hours after treatment. DON’T expose yourself to the sun without protection for at least 4-6 weeks, although we would recommend trying to stay protected in the sun all the time, since you have just spent the money to have your brown spots removed.

When should I have Filler or Injectable muscle relaxants? In clinical studies, there was no difference which is done first, lasers or fillers. But what does matter is the amount of time in between injectables and laser treatments. It’s best to wait at least two weeks after getting Botox or dermal filler injections and vice versa.

Contraindications (reasons why CPL may not be suitable for you)

  • Recent sunburn
  • Unprotected sun exposure or solarium use 4 weeks prior to treatment
  • Pregnancy
  • History of seizures
  • Severe dermatitis or eczema (within the treatment area)
  • Active infections
  • Roaccutane use in the last 6 months
  • Herpes 1 or 2 (within the treatment area)
  • Very dark skin
  • Removing hair by the root e.g. waxing or tweezing 4 weeks prior to treatment (hair removal only)
  • Photo sensitising medications are best avoided


  • Pigmentation Removal/Lightening Full Face ~ $240
  • Pigmentation Removal/Lightening Full Face package x 3 ~ 650
  • Skin Rejuvenation Full Face ~ $149
  • Skin Rejuvenation Full Face package x 3  ~ $367
  • Acne treatment Full face ~ $149
  • Acne treatment Full face package x 3 ~ $367
  • Vascular/Veins/Broken Capillary Full Face ~ $199
  • Vascular/Veins/Broken Capillary Full Face package x 3 ~ $489
  • The Works! Rejuvenation/ Pigmentation/Lightening /Vascular & Acne ~ $399
  • The Works! Rejuvenation/ Pigmentation/Lightening /Vascular & Acne Package x 3 ~ $982

For other areas of the body CLICK on the book online button for prices


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