PMU Tattoo Removal ~

Laser & Saline

Botched Brows, Eyeliner or Lip Tattoo?

or have a body tattoo you no longer love?

Laser Tattoo Removal


How does laser tattoo removal work?

Laser Tattoo Removal works by targeting the tattoo with a very specific wavelength of light energy.

The popular Q-Switched lasers use Photoacoustic energy to gently penetrate the skin and target tattoo ink.

The light energy gently vibrates and shatters the tattoo ink into micro-particles that are eventually eliminated through the body’s natural processes. Because the laser tattoo removal treatment delivers the energy in a very precise ‘beam’, technicians can target the tattoo without damaging the

surrounding skin

Does laser tattoo removal hurt?

You may feel a slight pain with laser tattoo removal, but it's a very very quick treatment!

A lot of people compare the pain to the flick of a rubber band against the skin. This sensation is caused by the laser pulses. 

How many treatments will I need?

For best results, we recommend six to ten treatments at six-weekly intervals. But some lucky clients get even faster results.

Can my tattoo be completely removed?

In most cases, yes. However, there may be certain factors preventing complete removal of the tattoo.

Also sometimes we only need to fade the tattoo enough to re-do it.

Will the treatment leave a scar?

No visible scarring. However laser tattoo removal can cause some scar tissue within the layers. Microneedling is advised if wanting to have a new tattoo on the same area.

Is the treatment suitable

for all skin types?

Yes. Laser tattoo removal treatment is suitable for all skin types. People with a lighter skin tone may see quicker results — this is due to the laser being more readily able to identify darker pigment (the tattoo) from lighter skin.

Can I get only part of my

tattoo removed?

Yes. Sometimes, for example a brow tattoo may look good except for a small section. eg: tails. so they can be removed.

How long will my appointment go for?

Brow and Lip liner tattoos (on the skin) can be treated within only a few minutes.

How will the tattoo look afterwards?

Some will look exactly the same, where others may look a lot lighter or even a different colour.

How much does tattoo removal treatment cost?



*Fitz 1-1V Skin Types Only

LI-FT - Saline Tattoo Removal


What is LI-FT?

Li-FT® Saline Lightening Solution is a non-chemical, non-acid, high salt based, fruit seed extract saline tattoo lightening product that is so effective it can lighten a tattoo or permanent makeup procedure to the point it is no longer visible. Li Pigments chose very particular types of natural, clean salts in combination with each other in extremely specific percentages to achieve ultimate lightening and results. These special salts are then ground down to an exceptionally fine powder eliminating any grit and allowing quick and easy implantation and absorption.

How does it work?

Saline works by Osmosis. The high concentration of salt draws the water underneath and surrounding the pigment up to the surface of the skin to be contained and removed by the scab. So, whereas Laser pushes pigment back down into the body to be removed by the lymph and waste system, saline moves the pigment up and out of the skin via the scabbing process. Saline is not colour restricted and will remove all colours including white (titanium dioxide). Saline is also not depth specific, meaning it will target and start lifting pigment/ink no matter the depth that it resides.

Does saline tattoo removal hurt?

It is exactly the same as a cosmetic tattoo.

Li-FT® Saline solution is delivered into the skin in the same way we implant pigment or ink to do a permanent makeup or body tattoo procedure. We use our tattoo machines; dip our tattoo needle into the Li-FT® solution and then tattoo it into the area of the unwanted procedure or tattoo.

How many treatments will I need?

For best results, we recommend six to ten treatments at 8 weekly intervals.

Can my tattoo be completely removed?

In most cases, yes. However, there may be certain factors preventing complete removal of the tattoo.

Also sometimes we only need to fade the tattoo enough to re-do it.

Will the treatment leave a scar?

Not usually. However once the tattoo is removed or lightened there may be visible scarring from the actual original tattoo. Microneedling  is advised if wanting to have a new tattoo on the same area.

Is the treatment suitable for all skin types?

Yes. Saline tattoo removal is suitable for all skin types.

Can I get only part of my tattoo removed?

Yes. Sometimes, for example an eyeliner may only need the wings removed or a section where the pigment has migrated.

How long will my appointment go for?

The appointment time allocated is 1 hour.

How will the tattoo look afterwards?

will be very red and bloody. As our aim is to get blood to the area so a scab forms and the tattoo pigment is drawn up into the scab, so when the scab comes off it takes out the pigment.

How much does saline tattoo removal treatment cost?





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