Cosmetic Tattoo  by Anita

Eyebrow Tattoo

"Brow Colour is chosen to suit the clients skin tones and existing

brow hair colour. 

My aim is to achieve the most

natural look possible" Anita    


Powder brows are a full colour with soft edges, the aim is to mimic an eyebrow that has had brow powder makeup applied. Beautiful and Natural. One of our favourites BOOK NOW


Ombré eyebrows have a similar soft powder look, yet the ombré effect also incorporates darker shading towards the end of the brow to create a refined shape and greater definition and lighter and softer at the head of the brow.

Beautiful and Natural. Another of our favourites BOOK NOW


Nano Feathering is done using a machine and single needle to create hair like strokes. Similar to microblading without as much trauma to the skin and can last longer. Suitable on most skin types. Individual hair strokes achieved using a #1 fine needle and PMU machine. Beautiful and Natural  BOOK NOW


Combining feathery single machine Hair-strokes at the head of the brow with either a soft or defined Powder/Ombre tattoo from the middle to the tails. Recommended for clients with minimal or no brow hair.

Machine work is suitable on most skin types. Most Popular!  BOOK NOW

ADVANCED NANO FEATHERING throughout the brow with POWDER or OMBRE` through the middle $599

to give the illusion of fullness

Combining feathery single machine Hair-strokes at the head of the brow with either a soft or defined Powder/Ombre tattoo from the middle to the tails. Recommended for clients with minimal or no brow hair.

Machine work is suitable on most skin types. Most suitable for clients with little to no hair  BOOK NOW

6 week Touch Up for any of the above is $150

BROW CORRECTION for EXISTING BROWS Alone $350 With New Brow Tattoo $50

When brows have changed to an unsightly grey or pink we can tattoo in a corrector pigment.

This can change the old faded colour to a soft brown.

Then we tattoo the new shape and colour to give you brand new brows!

If brow shape is too bad or colour is too saturated Laser removal will be required.


• Have your brows waxed/tidied a week before treatment.

• Do not wax or tint the brows within 3 days of treatment. No tinting until 4 weeks after.

• Gently exfoliate the area for up to 3 days prior, ensure the skin is well nourished.

• Do not use any brow-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment

• Do come in with an open mind about the different techniques: 

after a thorough consultation your artist will advise the most suitable option.

• You will be advised not to saturate your brows for 5 days following treatment, 

we recommend washing your hair the night before.

• Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours prior to treatment.

• Some medications may cause adverse effects, please check with your GP for further advice if you are currently taking any  medication. A Doctor approval may be required before proceeding.

• Cease intake of fish oil supplements 1 week before treatment.

• Consider any upcoming social events or work-out commitments for the week following your treatment.

• You are not to undertake tattooing if you are pregnant. If breastfeeding please call for further advice.

• If the area you would like treated has an existing cosmetic tattoo please read.

• Protect the area from sun exposure 2 weeks prior to treatment.


• Do not touch the tattooed area with your fingers.

• Gym/Exercise: The following activities should be avoided for 48 hours after treatment: cardio workout, excessive sweating, sauna, hot spa, spray tanning.

• For 2 weeks following treatment: avoid, chlorinated and salt water pools, high UV exposure, sun beds, 

and infra-red light exposure.

• Colour will appear darker than desired for 5-7 days.

• Mild cleansers or a splash of warm water only, on the treated area for 5 days.

• Avoid makeup on the treated area until healed.• Do not pick the flaking skin or formed scabs.

• It is necessary to return for a perfection visit 4-8 weeks after your eyebrow tattoo, for any necessary adjustments.

• Excessive exposure to sun over time will cause fading, wear SPF where possible.

• Certain chemicals in cleansers and moisturisers will accelerate fading and may discolour the tattoo: AHAs, BHAs, benzoylperoxide, bleaching agents, and chemical peels must be kept away from the area.

• Expected healing time: 5-8 days.


For optimal results you will be using our cleansing and aftercare products for 7-10 days, morning and night ~ Supplied in Clinic.

The healing process can be quite daunting, so please read through so you know what to expect.

There will be swelling for approximately 2 days. The swelling will cause the brows to look larger/thicker and in some cases distort the true shape and size. There will most likely be some redness and in rare cases a purply red colour underneath the surface of the tattoo: this will subside within the week. The brow skin will harden up (sometimes causing the brows to shrink more and also may make the two brows look different to each other. After a number of days the brows will flake and peel revealing new skin which can be opaque and the brow tattoo may look pale and patchy. It does take a few weeks for the colour to come through and takes approximately 5-6 weeks for all the skin layers to completely heal, so we can not do any further tattooing until 6 weeks time.

Once healed, minor patchiness in colour may be present in some areas. This is normal and will be adjusted accordingly at the    touch-up in 6 weeks. I recommend wearing brow powder or pencil to cover these areas until then. In rare cases, patches in  areas of the brow may never hold the pigment.

At Anita's Cosmetic Tattoo Skin Clinic, our Eyebrow tattooing is completely tailored to each individual's needs. A client’s skin type has to be taken into account to obtain the best results and suitability. Ideal for sparse brows, providing greater volume and texture. Eyebrow feathering, Powder & Fusion techniques are designed to look like real eyebrows, or as if you have applied eyebrow powder. Whether you want full bold eyebrows, or a softer feathery brow, either look can be achieved with Anita's skill and experience. 

  • Clients are guided towards the most suitable technique according to their skin type and the look they're after.
  • Eyebrows are measured and drawn in respect to size and shape of the clients face.
  • Colour will be chosen to suit skin tone, hair and eye colouring. 
  • A “before and after” picture will be taken of the cosmetic tattoo area. For your privacy we do not use full face pictures on our social media (unless you have authorised). If you do not wish for the photos to be used on social media please let us know, we are happy to respect your privacy.
  • The photos we use on social media are only for the purpose of representing our work, and so clients like yourself are able to see the quality and style of our work, so they can make an informed decision.




  • The touch-up treatment is done at the 6 week mark and is $150. Any minor alterations to shape or colour can be done then. We can't tattoo in the healing stages of the skin as scarring will occur. Healing of all the skin layers can take several weeks.
  • Touch-ups may not be scheduled for any sooner than 4 weeks, and are valid for up to 8 weeks only (special circumstances considered). 4 weeks is only suitable on some skins, 18-30 yrs.

       If done after 8 weeks but before 3 months an additional $150 on top of the touch up fee will be required.

       After 3 months the price will be same as a 12 month colour boost.

  • If a 2nd touch up is required 12 weeks after original tattoo the same fees apply.



  • Your treatment is conducted under the most stringent hygienic practices, with all sharps equipment being disposable and therefore, disposed of. Your safety will not be compromised.

Eyeliner Tattoo

LASH LINER TATTOO $490 (thin line between the lashes) BOOK NOW

Lash Liner Tattoo for top or bottom eyelids. A lovely thin line between the lashes to enhance your natural lash line

CLASSIC EYELINER TATTOO $590 (approx. 2mm on outer corners 1mm inner) BOOK NOW

Classic Eyeliner Tattoo is not thick, but thicker and more noticeable than lash liner tattoo.

Thicker on the outer corners, tapering in towards the inner corners.

WINGED EYELINER - $690 Regular thickness  BOOK NOW

Ideal for those who regularly apply winged eyeliner. 


Not for the faint hearted! Dramatic and bold.

6 week Touch Up for any of the above is $150


• Do not get the lashes tinted within 5 days of treatment.

• Do get the lashes tinted 1 week prior. You will be advised not to wear mascara for the week following.

• No lash extensions at the time of your appointment: Lash extensions may be applied 4 weeks after healed. • Do not use any  lash-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment.

• If you wear contact lenses ensure they are removed and bring your glasses.

• Avoid eye makeup at the time of your appointment.

• Please call for further advice if you have experienced recent infection or irritation of the eyes.

Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours prior to treatment.

Some medications may cause adverse effects, please check with your GP for further advice if you are currently taking any  medication. A Doctor approval may be required before proceeding.

Cease intake of fish oil supplements 1 week before treatment.

Consider any upcoming social events or work-out commitments for the week following your treatment.

You are not to undertake tattooing if you are pregnant. If breastfeeding please call for further advice.

If the area you would like treated has an existing cosmetic tattoo please read.

Protect the area from sun exposure 2 weeks prior to treatment.


• Do not touch the tattooed area with your fingers.

• Gym/Exercise: The following activities should be avoided for 48 hours after treatment: cardio workout, excessive sweating, sauna, hot spa, spray tanning.

• For 2 weeks following treatment: avoid, chlorinated and salt water pools, high UV exposure, sun beds, 

and infra-red light exposure.

• Colour will appear darker than desired for 5-7 days.

• Mild cleansers or a splash of warm water only, on the treated area for 5 days.

• Avoid makeup on the treated area until healed.• Do not pick the flaking skin or formed scabs.

• It is necessary to return for a perfection visit 4-8 weeks after your eyebrow tattoo, for any necessary adjustments.

• Excessive exposure to sun over time will cause fading, wear SPF where possible.

• Certain chemicals in cleansers and moisturisers will accelerate fading and may discolour the tattoo: AHAs, BHAs, benzoylperoxide, bleaching agents, and chemical peels must be kept away from the area.

• Expected healing time: 5-8 days.


  • Your eyelids will feel heavy and slightly puffy afterwards. I hr after splash with luke warm water and pat dry.
  • Swelling may be experienced immediately after or the following morning. This normally subsides within 3-5 days.
  • Apply ice to the area immediately after treatment, for 5-10 minutes every few hours. Do not apply directly to exposed skin
  • Recommended Aftercare Product ~ Sold in Clinic
  • Do not apply mascara to lashes for 7 days.
  • Do not apply lash extensions for up to 4 weeks after final treatment.

     If you experience any unexpected discomfort or irritation of the eyes notify your pharmacist/GP immediately for further     advice.

During the healing process the tattooed area will become darker and minor scabbing will develop as a new collagen rich skin forms underneath. This new skin is slightly opaque in colour and creates a temporary veil which will make the pigment appear faded and dull, or even appear to have disappeared. Within a week or two the new skin will settle and the colour will return. 

Protect and nourish this new skin as directed.

Lip Tattoo

As we age, our lips lose their fullness and colour, becoming thinner and losing their definition.

Cosmetic lip tattooing, also known as semi permanent makeup, could be the answer for women wanting to enhance their lip colour or make their lips more defined, even and fuller.


Defined lip line blended down slightly onto the lip to give a softer, more natural look. BOOK NOW

LIP BLUSH - Full Lip $690  BOOK NOW

Full soft colour, not a lipstick look, but more of a lip stain. Lip line is not pronounced. Lovely natural result.

6 week Touch Up for either of the above is $150

LIP NEUTRALISING $550 (1st Treatment)  BOOK NOW

This tattoo treatment is to basically return the lips to their natural pink.

If a 2nd, 3rd, 4th Treatment is needed the price is $250 each time.


• If you have a history of cold sores, it is essential to see your health

consultant at least 4 days before your appointment and request preventative treatment.

• Avoid laser hair removal on or near the area 2 weeks prior.

Scars on the area may retain pigment differently or heal patchy.

• Ensure the lip area is not sun or wind burnt, chapped or too dry.

• If you have Angular Cheilitis (dry corners of the mouth) please advise

your Artist before booking an appointment.

• Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours prior to treatment.

• Some medications may cause adverse effects, please check with your GP for further advice if you are currently taking any  medication. A Doctor approval may be required before proceeding.

• Cease intake of fish oil supplements 1 week before treatment.

• Consider any upcoming social events or work-out commitments for the week following your treatment.

• You are not to undertake tattooing if you are pregnant. If breastfeeding please call for further advice.

• If the area you would like treated has an existing cosmetic tattoo please read.

• Protect the area from sun exposure 2 weeks prior to treatment.


• Do not touch the tattooed area with your fingers.

• Gym/Exercise: The following activities should be avoided for 48 hours after treatment: cardio workout, excessive sweating, sauna, hot spa, spray tanning.

• For 2 weeks following treatment: avoid, chlorinated and salt water pools, high UV exposure, sun beds, 

and infra-red light exposure.

• Colour will appear darker than desired for 5-7 days.

• Mild cleansers or a splash of warm water only, on the treated area for 5 days.

• Avoid makeup on the treated area until healed.• Do not pick the flaking skin or formed scabs.

• It is necessary to return for a perfection visit 4-8 weeks after your eyebrow tattoo, for any necessary adjustments.

• Excessive exposure to sun over time will cause fading, wear SPF where possible.

• Certain chemicals in cleansers and moisturisers will accelerate fading and may discolour the tattoo: AHAs, BHAs, benzoylperoxide, bleaching agents, and chemical peels must be kept away from the area.

• Expected healing time: 5-8 days.

It is recommended to avoid smoking after a lip blushing procedure as you might lose pigment (approximately one week).

No kissing, rubbing or friction on the treated area until it is totally healed or else you will lose colour.


• You may experience minor swelling following your treatment,  expect this to subside over 3-5 days.

• Using a damp cotton tip, clean the area morning and night.

• Regularly apply aftercare product during the day to keep the area moist.

• Ensure you’re only applying a thin layer each time. Too much product  may adversely affect healing.

•Expect peeling around day 3-4, the colour will at first appear like it is  completely gone and will gradually return 

as the new skin settles.

• Return for a touch-up at 8 weeks.

• Avoid consuming hot drinks or alcohol for 5 days.

• If you experience unexpected discomfort or symptoms of cold sores  consult a health professional immediately for further  advice, and notify your Cosmetic Artist. Recommended Aftercare Product ~ Sold in Clinic


Earn $50 to use toward future tattooing. (colour boost)

Friend needs to give me your full name at time of their appointment.

Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Valid for existing clients only. (unless otherwise organised)

Valid to use towards Cosmetic Tattoo only, not transferable to other services.

Colour Boost Prices - Existing clients only

Over time Cosmetic Tattoo fades. The rate of fading is dependent on many factors.

Clients return for a 'colour boost' where we re-do the tattooing at a discounted rate up to 2 years, post 'initial' tattooing. 

At this time adjustments such as shape, thickness and colour can also be made.

However, if the client has tattooing elsewhere between visits they forfeit the discount.

Advanced Nano Feather (this replaces blading/cutting)

12 month Colour Boost $450 6 week touch up if required $150

Powder/Ombre Brows 

12 month Colour Boost $450 6 week touch up if required $150

Combination Brow Has Nano Feathering at head of brow and powder or ombre thru the rest

12 month Colour Boost $450 6 week touch up if required $150

Advanced Nano Feather thru whole brow with shading thru middle

12 month Colour Boost $450 6 week touch up if required $150

Lash Liner or Classic Eyeliner Colour Boost. Top or Bottom

12 month Colour Boost $340 6 week touch up if required $100

Winged  Colour Boost 

12 month Colour Boost $540 6 week touch up if required $100

Lip Line Blend Colour Boost

12 month Colour Boost $450 6 week touch up if required $100

Lip Blush Colour Boost

12 month Colour Boost $540 6 week touch up if required $100

*Remember ~ If you've 'banked' your Referral $$$ it comes off your Colour Boost Price!!

*Prices subject to change at any time without notice. Clients booked/confirmed with card will be exempt.


To increase comfort during your cosmetic tattooing experience the use of a topical anaesthetic is recommended. Please apply prior to appointment as per directions and bring the product with you to your appointment.

Phone or message to organise your compounded pharmacy anaesthetic.

Pre - Treatment Considerations/Medications/Conditions

Skin altering procedures such as plastic surgery, cosmeceutical treatments, and/or injections may alter and degrade the skin and affect how the cosmetic tattoo holds in the skin.

Medical conditions and/or certain medications may prevent the pigment from retaining 

or cause it to fade quickly or change in colour.

How your body heals or retains the tattooed pigment is out of the control of the artist. This is 100% of your body’s job. 

Even when following the aftercare correctly there is a chance that pigment may not hold in the skin or last as long as expected. This is not the fault of the Artist.

Achievable results may vary at each application long term. 

This is due to the changes in your skin and lifestyle factors and is not the fault of the Artist.

If you have had tattooing prior to Anita's Cosmetic Tattoo Skin Clinic, there are no guarantees to the retention of pigment. 

There may be underlying scar tissue or pigment congestion from other Artists work, 

in which will affect the healed outcome of our work. 

And for these reasons/or any other reasons the treatment is non refundable. 

EXISTING COSMETIC TATTOOS:   May be considered as correctional work and requires a ‘consultation only’ appointment first. 

Please DO NOT book in for the full treatment unless you have consulted Anita in person or via phone regarding your existing cosmetic tattoos.

PREGNANCY: We do not tattoo during pregnancy.

BREAST FEEDING : We do not tattoo during breast feeding, please inquire if you’d like more information.

CHEMICAL PEELS : It is recommended not to undergo any chemical peels within 2-4 weeks of either side of a cosmetic tattoo treatment.

COSMECEUTICAL SKIN CARE : Cosmeceutical products containing the following ingredients should be avoided on the area for at least 5 days before treatment and 2 wks after. NB Future use may accelerate fading of cosmetic tattoos:

**AHA’s (Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Glycolic, lactic acid), Vitamin C, Benzoyl Peroxide, Vitamin A, Alcohol greater than 6%

INJECTABLES : Muscle relaxant injections and dermal fillers: To ensure even distribution of any cosmetic injectable, minimised bruising, and a successful result, treatment should not be performed under two weeks before or after tattooing.

ECZEMA/ DERMATITIS : If you suffer any skin hypersensitivity or dermatitis it is advisable to seek medical advice 

before having a cosmetic tattoo treatment.

ALLERGIES: Such as latex, rubber, medications, numbing agents, Phenylalanine (PPE): Please advise your cosmetic tattooist for further advice.

IPL/ LASER : on the area should be avoided a minimum of 4 weeks before treatment and must be completely avoided on any area that contain cosmetic tattoo pigment. Advise your laser/IPL therapist before undergoing treatments.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) assists with healing and may be beneficial after a treatment.

FACIAL SURGERY: Doctor’s permission must be sought before going ahead with a treatment after any recent facial surgery.

TOPICAL VITAMIN A: Retin-A, Tretinoin Preparations, Hydroquinone, Skin bleaching agents: may increase hypersensitivity, 

and the risk of scarring if used within 5 days of treatment.

ALCOHOL: avoid for at least 24hrs before the procedure to avoid excessive bleeding

SUPPLEMENTS: Avoid the following for a week before treatment:

Fish, primrose, krill oil, Ginseng, Gingko Biloba,

MEDICATIONS : If you are taking any of the following medication please consult your cosmetic tattooist before booking:

Warfarin, Heparin, Aspirin, Opioid medication (Endone), Prednisone, Roaccutane (within 8-12 months), Antibiotics

DIABETES: Can result in slower healing, please contact your GP before booking.

RADIATION/ CHEMOTHERAPY: To ensure your safety and comfort a Doctors permission must be sought before we can proceed with any cosmetic tattoo treatments. Not usually recommended.

EXERCISE/ GYM: After treatment you will be advised to avoid the following for up to 2 wks:

chlorinated/salt water pools, high UV exposure, Sun beds, and Infra-red light exposure.

The following activities should be avoided for at least 48 hours after treatment: 

Cardio workout, excessive sweating, sauna, hot spa, spray tanning.

DONATING BLOOD : You can not donate blood for 6 months after the use of anesthetics.

What are the risks or side effects of getting a lip tattoo?

Swelling. Tattoo needles create micro-injuries in your skin.

Infections. An infection after a tattoo in the lip area can occur for a few reasons.


Allergic reactions.


Blood-borne illnesses.

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