Vascular Laser

For Facial Spider Veins & Small Leg Veins (not Varicose Veins)

Vascular laser explained

Vascular lasers are those that emit a specific wavelength of light that is selectively absorbed by the haemoglobin (red pigment) in blood vessels. This selectivity means vascular lasers can remove vascular/red blemishes without damaging the surrounding skin.

How  a vascular laser works?

Laser light penetrates the outer layers of skin to reach the blood vessels below. Targeted blood vessels selectively absorb the energy in the beam and are destroyed by the brief but intense heat created. The body removes the damaged vessels gradually to normalise the skin’s appearance. Surrounding tissue is unaffected because it does not selectively absorb this wavelength of light. Vascular lasers are the ideal treatment for blood vessels and red blemishes close to the surface of the skin, particularly on the face, neck and chest.

Differences between IPL and vascular laser

Vascular lasers produce light energy of just one wavelength which is only absorbed by blood. These lasers therefore treat only red blemishes in the skin, but do so very precisely and efficiently. IPL on the other hand produces light that contains a range of different wavelengths which collectively target a variety of red as well as brown skin blemishes.

Conditions vascular lasers treat

Vascular lasers are the treatment of choice for red blemishes such as redness of the face, neck and chest, rosacea, broken capillaries, spider naevi, angiomas, port wine birthmarks, red scars including keloid scars, facial and nose veins, flushing and red spots on the body.

What the treatment involves

Protective eye shields are worn throughout the treatment. Vascular laser treatment is non-invasive and feels like a series of quick stings, similar to a rubber band flicking on the skin. A sensation of heat that may persist for a few minutes after treatment. But a cold hammer device or icepack will be applied. Treatments take from just ten minutes to 30 minutes+ depending on the size of the area to be treated. 

How you will look after treatment?

Your treated skin will be flushed, similar to that produced by a vigorous workout, but will typically return to normal within a few hours. You may experience swelling under the eyes if the upper cheeks have been treated and bruising can occur. These side effects usually resolve over a few days to a week. Makeup may be applied immediately after treatment. Is treatment painful? Treatments are quick, typically taking not more than a few minutes. Whilst you will experience a definite sensation, local anaesthesia is rarely needed.

How soon results results will be seen

Some vessels may show visible disappearance immediately while others gradually fade over 4-6 weeks.

How many treatments are required

One to three treatments usually eliminate the majority of common red blemishes,

though certain conditions may require a course of treatments.


Improvements are usually long lasting over a number of years but, depending on the condition, maintenance treatments may be needed from time to time. 

What are the risks of vascular laser treatment?

Redness, swelling, bruising, blistering and/or crusting, infection including reactivation of cold sores, pigment changes (brown or white marks), scarring. 

Precautions: Keloid scarring, connective tissue disease, immunosuppression or autoimmune disorders, vitiligo or uncontrolled diabetes may be contraindications for this treatment. Your suitability for treatment will be assessed by your treating physician.

Contraindications: • Pregnancy. • Active cold sores or other infections in the areas to be treated • Moles or suspicious lesions should be referred to a dermatologist. • Use of Roaccutane (oral acne medication) in the last 12 months. • Recent tanning, either natural or artificial, interferes with the absorption of light into pigment. Treatment should be delayed until your tan has faded.


A covered icepack should be used a number of times within the first 48 hours. Sunscreen must be worn on a daily basis for at least a month and preferably lifelong. It is important to follow your therapist’s instructions.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from client to client. 

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