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Pre - Treatment Considerations/Medications/Conditions:

Skin altering procedures such as plastic surgery, cosmeceutical treatments, and/or injections may alter and degrade the skin and affect how the cosmetic tattoo holds in the skin.

Medical conditions and/or certain medications may prevent the pigment from retaining

or cause it to fade quickly or change in colour.

How your body heals or retains the tattooed pigment is out of the control of the artist. This is 100% of your body’s job.

Even when following the aftercare correctly there is a chance that pigment may not hold in the skin or last as long as expected. This is not the fault of the Artist.

Achievable results may vary at each application long term.

This is due to the changes in your skin and lifestyle factors and is not the fault of the Artist.

If you have had tattooing prior to Anita's Cosmetic Tattoo Skin Clinic, there are no guarantees to the retention of pigment.

There may be underlying scar tissue or pigment congestion from other Artists work,

in which will affect the healed outcome of our work.

And for these reasons/or any other reasons the treatment is non refundable.


Clients who can not adapt to change and have unrealistic expectations may not be suitable for tattooing.

EXISTING COSMETIC TATTOOS:  May be considered as correctional work and requires a ‘consultation only’ appointment first.

Please DO NOT book in for the full treatment unless you have consulted Anita in person or via phone regarding your existing cosmetic tattoos.

PREGNANCY: We do not tattoo during pregnancy.

BREAST FEEDING : We do not tattoo during breast feeding, please inquire if you’d like more information.

CHEMICAL PEELS : It is recommended not to undergo any chemical peels within 2-4 weeks of either side of a cosmetic tattoo treatment.

COSMECEUTICAL SKIN CARE : Cosmeceutical products containing the following ingredients should be avoided on the area for at least 5 days before treatment and 2 wks after. NB Future use may accelerate fading of cosmetic tattoos:

**AHA’s (Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Glycolic, lactic acid), Vitamin C, Benzoyl Peroxide, Vitamin A, Alcohol greater than 6%

INJECTABLES : Muscle relaxant injections and dermal fillers: To ensure even distribution of any cosmetic injectable, minimised bruising, and a successful result, treatment should not be performed under two weeks before or after tattooing.

ECZEMA/ DERMATITIS : If you suffer any skin hypersensitivity or dermatitis it is advisable to seek medical advice

before having a cosmetic tattoo treatment.

ALLERGIES: Such as latex, rubber, medications, numbing agents, Phenylalanine (PPE): Please advise your cosmetic tattooist for further advice.

IPL/ LASER : on the area should be avoided a minimum of 4 weeks before treatment and must be completely avoided on any area that contain cosmetic tattoo pigment. Advise your laser/IPL therapist before undergoing treatments.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) assists with healing and may be beneficial after a treatment.

FACIAL SURGERY: Doctor’s permission must be sought before going ahead with a treatment after any recent facial surgery.

TOPICAL VITAMIN A: Retin-A, Tretinoin Preparations, Hydroquinone, Skin bleaching agents: may increase hypersensitivity,

and the risk of scarring if used within 5 days of treatment.

ALCOHOL: avoid for at least 24hrs before the procedure to avoid excessive bleeding

SUPPLEMENTS: Avoid the following for a week before treatment:

Fish oil, Primrose oil, krill oil, Ginseng, Gingko Biloba,

MEDICATIONS : If you are taking any of the following medication please consult your cosmetic tattooist before booking:

Warfarin, Heparin, Aspirin, Opioid medication (Endone), Prednisone, Roaccutane (within 8-12 months), Antibiotics

DIABETES: Can result in slower healing, please contact your GP before booking.

RADIATION/ CHEMOTHERAPY: To ensure your safety and comfort a Doctors permission must be sought before we can proceed with any cosmetic tattoo treatments. Not usually recommended.

EXERCISE/GYM: After treatment you will be advised to avoid the following for up to 2 wks:

chlorinated/salt water pools, high UV exposure, Sun beds, and Infra-red light exposure.

The following activities should be avoided for at least 48 hours after treatment:

Cardio workout, excessive sweating, sauna, hot spa, spray tanning.

DONATING BLOOD : You can not donate blood for 6 months after the use of anesthetics.

What are the risks or side effects of getting a lip tattoo?

Swelling. Tattoo needles create micro-injuries in your skin.

Infections. An infection after a tattoo in the lip area can occur for a few reasons.

Scarring. Allergic reactions. Anaphylaxis. Blood-borne illnesses.


In order to secure your spot, Anita’s Cosmetic Tattoo Skin Clinic requires a 20% deposit of your service on the day of booking.

If you're unsure which technique to book in for, feel free to phone for a chat. Start saving photos of brows you like to show us on the day of tattooing. If you have an existing tattoo, please send a clear photo of your brows prior to booking. 0413 422 278


Deposits are non-refundable. No exceptions. Transferrable up to 48hrs prior to appointment. (and within 6 months)

Payment options:

We except most forms of payment. We also offer ZipPay with a 6% surcharge (as that is what they charge us.)


Clients must provide no less than 48 hours notice to reschedule their appointment.

The deposit will be transferred to the new appointment.

If you need to reschedule your appointment within 48 hours of your session, your original deposit is forfeited and you will be asked to pay another deposit. If however, we are able to fill that appointment with one of our other clients, we can transfer your deposit to another day, within 6 months. Balance of the treatment is to be paid in full on the day of appointment.

Rescheduling more than twice will not be rebooked.


If you change your mind about the procedure and wish to cancel the appointment you will forfeit your deposit, this goes towards admin time used to manage your booking. If you cancel due to unexpected illness, where recovery isn't likely within 6 months, we require evidence of this by way of a medical certificate.

Consultation. Optional. Not Compulsory

There is a $50 in person non-refundable consultation fee which goes towards your treatment

(if you book treatment within 2 months of the consultation)

Touch Up Appointment

Touch up appointments are to be done 6-8 weeks unless organised prior. If delayed 8-12 weeks after a $150 fee will occur. Anything beyond 12 weeks will be considered a Colour Boost and will be changed accordingly. 6 wk Brow or Eyeliner, 8 wk Lip

No shows or less than 48hrs notice to cancel/reschedule will incur a $100 fee to rebook on top of regular touch up fee.


Anaesthetic/Numbing for Cosmetic Tattooing

Numbing is compounded to suit eyebrow, eyeliner and lip tattoo. Risk of use is extremely low, but you must phone the pharmacist to check you are medically suitable to use. Phone: 4968 8070

if you live too far from our clinic please Phone: 4968 8070 it will be delivered.

Otherwise either pick up before your appointment, or arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.

Advise a staff member immediately that you need numbing applied.

at home: Refrigerate.

Please apply numbing on Eyebrows or Lips 1 hour prior to appointment and bring with you. If having eyeliner Do NOT apply the numbing just bring it to your appointment.

This compounded numbing is Double the strength of the commercial numbing (Emla & Numbit are not strong enough and I do not allow their use)

The quantity is enough for both the initial treatment and your 2nd treatment/touch up.

Pre-appointment preparation.

FOR ALL TATTOOING: Caucasian women over the age of 45 please take Arnica tablets for 5 days prior to tattooing. This can help reduce inflammation and bleeding, which in turn will give you a much better end result.

Brow Tattoo Prep:

Drink lots of water for the week prior.

Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!

Have your brows waxed/tidied a week before treatment.

Do not wax or tint the brows within 3 days of treatment. No tinting until 4 weeks after.

Gently exfoliate the area for up to 3 days prior, ensure the skin is well nourished.

Do not use any brow-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment

Do come in with an open mind about the different techniques:

after a thorough consultation your artist will advise the most suitable option.

You will be advised not to saturate your brows for 5 days following treatment, we recommend washing your hair the night before.

Eyeliner Tattoo Prep:

Drink lots of water for the week prior.

Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!

Do not get the lashes tinted within 5 days of treatment.

Do get the lashes tinted 1 week prior. You will be advised not to wear mascara for the week following.

No lash extensions at the time of your appointment: Lash extensions may be applied 4 weeks after healed.

Do not use any lash-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment.

If you wear contact lenses ensure they are removed and bring your glasses.

Avoid eye makeup at the time of your appointment.

Please call for further advice if you have experienced recent infection or irritation of the eyes.

Do NOT apply the numbing to your eyes, please bring it to your appointment and it will be applied for you.

Lip Blush Prep:

Drink lots of water for the week prior.

Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!

Buffing/exfoliating your lips and keeping moisturised for the week prior will help with pigment implantation.

If you have a history of cold sores, (or even just to be on the safe side) it is essential to start on anti-viral medication.

It has been documented that 1000 mg 3 days before, the day of and 3 days after the procedure reduces the risk significantly.

Avoid laser hair removal on or near the area 2 weeks prior.

Scars on the area may retain pigment differently or heal patchy.

Ensure the lip area is not sun or wind burnt, chapped or too dry.

If you have Angular Cheilitis (dry corners of the mouth) please ask your pharmacist for a treatment.

Just prior to your appointment, brush your teeth & rinse your mouth with Biotene mouthwash to kill bacteria in your mouth.

Do not eat or smoke after cleaning teeth. Remember to apply numbing 1 hr and again 1/2 hour prior to appointment. Bring the numbing to the appointment.


Please aim to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to appointment. allow for finding parking and once inside there are forms to fill out. We allocate 1.5 to 2 hours for each client, depending on technique booked. If you’re running more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may be cancelled, as it may effect the next client. To rebook you will need to pay another deposit.

Please see our cancellation policy. 

After Care:

After-care for your cosmetic tattooing is 50% of the final result. 

So it imperative to follow the instructions carefully.

We supply a wash & cream which both gives excellent healed results for Brows, Eyeliner & Lips

1 set is ample for both the initial and touch up treatments.

Use twice a day for 1-2 weeks.(keep using for a couple of days after peeling)

Starting approximately 24 hours after tattooing.

What to expect during in the healing process

Going through the healing process is stressful! Have the expectation that brows/lips

will change day to day until they have fully healed. 

The colour of your cosmetic tattoo will appear 2-3 times, darker, thicker and more sharply defined immediately after the procedure due to the excess pigment and swelling in the area. The results may blur & look blockish during the healing period. Please do not panic. 

This is completely normal and part of the healing process.

Swelling will subside after a couple of days, then brows/lips/eyeliner will start to harden and when fully healed start to flake off. 

(like any normal wound).

Fading and loss of tattoo colour after they have flaked is expected. Some of the area will disappear and reappear after a few weeks as the skin heals. Don’t be alarmed. Your tattoos are still there beneath the transparent, new skin layer. 

Colour will re-appear between week 2-4 or at a later part of the healing process.

*Multiple sessions may be required. As we are working with skin, we can only do our best of implanting the colour 

and see how the skin takes the pigment and heals.

Cosmetic tattooing is usually a 2-step process. Fortunately, most of our clients do only require the one touch up. 

However, there is a small percentage that require a second touch up. If this is the case, we advise clients to book to have this done 6 weeks after the 1st touch up. If you wait too long between your first session and touch up appointment, over time, 

you will have different stages of fading. another touch up fee will apply.

Remember do not judge your Tattoo straight away. Here’s Why:

This is a cosmetic procedure. You cannot judge your brows until they are completely healed. This is normally around 6 weeks post procedure. Please be patient. Any changes can be made at your touch up appointment, 

as this appointment will be your perfecting appointment.

What to avoid during the healing process?

*No skincare or makeup products near the area.

*Avoid any skincare products containing retinol, H. A, vitamin A, C and E agents.

*Avoid touching area with unclean hands.

*Do not pick, pull, scratch your tattoo at all, allow the scabs to form and fall off naturally.

*You can cause trauma to the tissue and actually increase the possibility of skin damage, infection, 

or prematurely removing the Tattoo Pigment.

*Do not schedule any Facials, Microdermabrasion, Micro needling, Peels or Laser treatments for at least 2-4 weeks. They can darken/lighten or distort the pigment.

*Do not tint your brows for three weeks after your procedure.

*Avoid drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds.

*Do not do heavy, sweating exercise, sport, swimming, sauna steam room, Jacuzzi, and long, hot showers for 5 days.

Why? The blood can rise under the skin causing you to sweat, which may result in Tattoo Pigment being pushed out of the skin, 

causing it to heal, patchy and uneven altering your final results

*Do not put any chemicals or active skincare products over cosmetic tattoo,

This includes any professional facial treatments, eg: face peels

For 2 weeks after:

Chemicals, glycolic, acid, and skincare with anti-ageing ingredients of any kind may interfere with the healing process and colour of your cosmetic tattoo. It will also fade your tattoo faster by stimulating skin regeneration process.

Do not wet your brows in the shower, clean at basin, following aftercare instructions.

Ensure showers are not too hot and steamy as this will open the pores exposing your pigment. 

Protect your tattoo with sunblock after four weeks onwards. 

Why? Sun exposure, overtime, including solariums, will cause the colour of your tattoo to fade and change. TIP After applying sunscreen you can cover your tattoo with Vasoline, when swimming salt,or chlorinated water to extend the life of your tattoo.

How long will your Cosmetic Tattoo last?

This varies between every individual due to skin, type, diet, genetics, and environmental factors, 

as they all contribute to retention of pigment.

As a guide, it could last anywhere between 6 to 24 months before a refresher treatment is required to maintain your cosmetic tattoo. 

Once the colour starts to change and fade significantly, you are ready for a colour refresher,

It is important to remember that Semi Permanent Make-Up needs maintaining.

12 Month Maintenance Brow Tattoo

To keep your brows looking fab they need maintenance, so we suggest doing an annual maintenance appointment. 

Anita completely re draws, measures & tattoos the whole brow. You may or may not require a 6 week touch up. 

Determine after 4 weeks and book if needed. 

Covid 19

Covid is still around. Masks will be worn by client and technician wear possible.

You can wear your own mask to enter (if you wish)

however you will be given a new disposable mask to wear during the treatment.

Only client and technician in treatment room.

If you need to cancel within 48 hrs of your appointment due to Covid symptoms you will be required to produce evidence to show you have been tested and positive, so your deposit can be transferred to another day within 6 months.


No Shows

No Shows will not be rebooked and deposit is forfeited.


Refunds are not offered under any circumstances after the work is done.


Service rates are subject to change, although Anita will take measure to ensure rate changes are communicated via social media platforms and on other website in advance.

Age restrictions.

Due to insurance liability reasons, Anita’s cosmetic tattoo skin clinic I’m not permitted to perform eyebrow tattooing on anyone under the age of 18, even with parental consent. Proof of age may be requested at the time of appointment.


It is the responsibility of the client to ensure they put the correct date and time in their calendars. Once their spot is confirmed, we will, however send you a reminder.

Touchup deposit.

The same deposit rules apply for touchup appointments. Touchups must be booked from the first session or as earliest as possible to secure appointment time. Refer to pricelist for touchup price for different timeframes.


Anita's Cosmetic Tattoo Skin Clinic reserves the right to refuse appointment bookings.

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