Client Pre Appointment info
After reading through this page in it's entirety you will be asked to click on the button at the end.
This information is to benefit you and to give you the best outcome.
Brow Tattoo Prep:
after a thorough consultation your artist will advise the most suitable option.
we recommend washing your hair the night before.
Eyeliner Tattoo Prep:
Lip Blush Tattoo Prep:
• Buffing your lips and keeping moisturised for the week prior will help with pigment insertion
It has been documented that 1000 mg 3 days before, the day of and 3 days after the procedure reduces the risk significantly.
6/8 week touch up:
The 6 week eyebrow touch up/8 week lip blush touch up is a paid treatment
Eyebrow/Eyeliner/Lip touch up must be done within 8-10 weeks anything after 12weeks will be charged accordingly (unless otherwise arranged)
When too much time passes it is to difficult to touch up and needs to be re-drawn and completely re-done.
If the touch up is cancelled within 48 hrs of the appointment a $100 fee will apply when rescheduling.
No shows or cancelling within 24hrs of the appointment will incur a rescheduling fee of $100 .
These fees apply because there is little or no chance of filling the appointment at such a late stage.
If for ANY reason your touch up can not be done within 8 weeks, a *fee will be charged.
The *fee will be worked out on the length of time past and how much *work is required.
Definition of *work: If brows, eyeliner or lips need to be redrawn/measured.
If for any reason a second touch up at 12 weeks is required there will be a charge of $100.
After hitting the button, Put your full name in the email subject line.
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1 Location: