Client Pre Appointment info

After reading through this page in it's entirety you will be asked to click on the button at the end.

This information is to benefit you and to give you the best outcome.

  • Use Link to Order Numbing
  • Read Tattoo Prep Advice
  • Read about After Care
  • Read Cancellation Policy
  • Print & Fill Forms (if you like)

Brow Tattoo Prep:

  • Drink lots of water for the week prior. Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!
  • Have your brows waxed/tidied a week before treatment.
  • Do not wax or tint the brows within 3 days of treatment. No tinting until 4 weeks after.
  • Gently exfoliate the area for up to 3 days prior, ensure the skin is well nourished.
  • Do not use any brow-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment
  • Do come in with an open mind about the different techniques:

        after a thorough consultation your  artist will advise the most suitable option.

  • You will be advised not to saturate your brows for 5 days following treatment, 

       we recommend washing your hair the night before.

Eyeliner Tattoo Prep:

  • Drink lots of water for the week prior. Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!
  • Do not get the lashes tinted within 5 days of treatment.
  • Do get the lashes tinted 1 week prior. You will be advised not to wear mascara for the week following.
  • No lash extensions at the time of your appointment: Lash extensions may be applied 4 weeks after healed. • Do not use any lash-enhancing serums for at least 30 days before treatment.
  • If you wear contact lenses ensure they are removed and bring your glasses.
  • Avoid eye makeup at the time of your appointment. • Please call for further advice if you have experienced recent infection or irritation of the eyes.
  • Do NOT apply the numbing to your eyes, please bring it to your appointment and it will be applied for you.

Lip Blush Tattoo Prep:

  • Drink lots of water for the week prior. Hydrated skin takes in pigment much easier!

    •  Buffing your lips and keeping moisturised for the week prior will help with pigment insertion

  • If you have a history of cold sores, (or even just to be on the safe side) it is essential to start on anti-viral medication. 

       It has been documented that 1000 mg 3 days before, the day of and 3 days after the procedure reduces the risk significantly.

  • Avoid laser hair removal on or near the area 2 weeks prior.
  • Scars on the area may retain pigment differently or heal patchy.
  • Ensure the lip area is not sun or wind burnt, chapped or too dry.
  • If you have Angular Cheilitis (dry corners of the mouth) please ask your pharmacist for a treatment.

6/8 week touch up:

The 6 week eyebrow touch up/8 week lip blush touch up is a paid treatment

Eyebrow/Eyeliner/Lip touch up must be done within 8-10 weeks anything after 12weeks will be charged accordingly (unless otherwise arranged)

When too much time passes it is to difficult to touch up and needs to be re-drawn and completely re-done.

If the touch up is cancelled within 48 hrs of the appointment a $100 fee will apply when rescheduling.

No shows or cancelling within 24hrs of the appointment will incur a rescheduling fee of $100 .

These fees apply because there is little or no chance of filling the appointment at such a late stage.

If for ANY reason your touch up can not be done within 8 weeks, a *fee will be charged.

The *fee will be worked out on the length of time past and how much *work is required.

Definition of *work: If brows, eyeliner or lips need to be redrawn/measured.

If for any reason a second touch up at 12 weeks is required there will be a charge of $100.

I have read all of the above

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